7 stages of crawling

Crawling is a significant developmental milestone in a baby’s life, marking the beginning of their exploration and independence. Understanding the stages of crawling and knowing how to support and encourage this essential skill is important for parents. In this article, we will explore the 7 stages of crawling, the typical timeline for each stage, and offer tips for fostering your baby’s crawling development.

7 stages of crawling

Stage 1: The Tummy Push (2-4 months)

In the first stage of crawling, babies are just starting to figure out how to use their arms and legs. They’ll spend a lot of time on their tummies, pushing themselves up with their arms and kicking their legs. This is called the tummy push, and it’s an important first step in developing the strength and coordination needed for crawling.

Stage 2: The Rocking (4-6 months)

Once babies have mastered the tummy push, they’ll start to rock back and forth on their hands and knees. This is called rocking, and it’s another important step in developing the coordination needed for crawling.

Stage 3: The Scooting (6-8 months)

Some babies skip the rocking stage altogether and go straight to scooting. Scooting is when babies use their hands and knees to propel themselves forward on their bottoms. It’s a fast and efficient way to get around, and it’s often a sign that crawling is just around the corner.

Stage 4: The High Crawl (8-10 months)

The high crawl is the classic crawling style that most babies eventually adopt. In the high crawl, babies keep their knees and elbows off the ground and use their hands and feet to move forward. It’s a more controlled and stable way to crawl than scooting, and it allows babies to see over obstacles more easily.

Stage 5: The Low Crawl (10-12 months)

Some babies eventually transition from the high crawl to the low crawl. In the low crawl, babies keep their elbows and knees bent so that their bellies are almost touching the ground. This is a less common crawling style than the high crawl, but it’s just as effective.

Stage 6: The Cruising (10-12 months)

Once babies have mastered crawling, they’ll often start to pull themselves up to furniture and cruise along. Cruising is a great way for babies to practice their balance and coordination, and it’s often a sign that they’re getting ready to take their first steps.

Stage 7: Walking (12-18 months)

And finally, the stage we’ve all been waiting for: walking! Most babies will take their first steps between 12 and 18 months old. There’s no need to worry if your baby takes a little longer, though. Every baby develops at their own pace. Just be patient and supportive, and your baby will be walking in no time.

Tips for Encouraging Crawling

  • Give your baby plenty of tummy time.
  • Place toys just out of reach to encourage them to crawl.
  • Make sure your baby has a safe and spacious area to explore.
  • Praise your baby’s efforts, no matter how small.

Crawling is an important milestone in a baby’s development, and it’s a joy to watch your little one progress through the different stages. By understanding the seven stages of crawling, you can better track your baby’s progress and celebrate their achievements along the way.

Tips for Parents to Support Their Baby’s Crawling Development:

  • Encourage tummy time to promote the development of core muscles.
  • Create a safe and stimulating environment for exploration.
  • Celebrate each stage of crawling and provide encouragement without pressure.


Understanding the 7 stages of crawling and knowing how to support your baby through each stage is essential for parents. By recognizing the typical timeline for these stages and offering a nurturing environment, parents can facilitate their baby’s physical and cognitive development during this exciting and formative time.

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